Lent 2021 in the Parish of Bushey

Click here to view Holy Week and Easter services

The season of Lent is an important time for all Christians – a time to deepen our relationship with God through prayer, reflection and study, as we prepare for Holy Week and our annual remembering of the Suffering, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In addition to this opportunity, we are offering a number of ways to deepen our faith.

The theme for this year’s program is focusing on the ‘Psalms’. In various ways we are going to be exploring through the psalms how we respond to our current Pandemic.  

This page gives some suggestions to help you make the most of the coming six weeks. But they are only suggestions and you will know your commitments and spiritual needs. With different times and days on offer, we hope that you will be able to come along to something. Whatever you decide to give up or take up, however you choose to observe the season of Lent, we hope that it will be a time of encouragement and blessing, a time that brings you nearer to God.


The Psalms

The Psalms of the Bible address problems we still face: violence, injustice, anger – and bewilderment. Why do the wicked prosper? Where is God when we suffer? In this 5-session course, Archbishop Stephen Cottrell reflects on the psalms in general (and five psalms in particular).

In these times of lockdown, we cannot just meet together, but we want to do our best to ensure that everyone can access the material. So each week will have a theme and a psalm.

21st Feb – Know that the Lord is God (Psalm 100)

28th Feb – Out of the depths have I cried (Psalm 130)

7th March – How long, O Lord? (Psalm 13)

14th March – You spread a table before me (Psalm 23)

21st March – Unless the Lord builds the house (Psalm 127)

You can engage in a number of ways either on your own, or with a group, with printed material or something online. Whichever way works best for you we hope that we will find a way to journey together through this season. 

Getting a copy of the Booklet

If you would like a copy of the booklet, please get in touch with Jacq in the office (office@busheyparish.org). If you prefer a digital copy of the booklet, this can be found here: https://www.yorkcourses.co.uk/product/the-psalms-course-booklet/

Wednesday Evening Devotions

Each Wednesday the psalm set for the week will be to focus of our Evening Devotions, led by a member of the ministry team. If you are not online, don’t worry, as this will be sent to you and for everyone on our mailing list, the text will be sent to you via each week as well.

Psalms and Music

For those of you who love listening to the psalms set to music, every Monday our choir will be recording a version of the psalm set for the week, so look at for this on both Facebook and YouTube. 

Discussion groups on ‘zoom’

Some of us prefer to talk about some of the issues raised. We realise that there is no best time for everyone, but we would like to give the opportunity for everyone to join a discussion. You can join via landline as well as via computer, so don’t let the lack of internet skills put you off. This Lent you will have the choice of three session rather than one.

Mondays at 10am, led by Fr Tim and starting on 22nd February.

Tuesday at 8pm, led by Revd Guy and starting on 23rd February. 

Friday’s at 2pm, led by Revd Andy, and starting on 26th February

Please contact the Jacqueline Birch, the Parish Administrator, or the Rector to book in, and so that we can order the right course materials.

office@busheyparish.org  020 8421 8192  

rector@busheyparish.org 0208 950 1546

For Families

Lent Trail 2021: Following in Jesus’ Footsteps

A poster trail around the Parish to enjoy during your daily exercise. Suitable to complete by yourself or in your support bubble, and fun for children and adults. Download the map, and register for a free Easter Egg here: busheyparish.org/lent-trail

Participation in Worship

We know that worshipping online is not the same as being ‘in-person. There are a number of ways to participate in our services, from lighting a candle at home at the start of our 9.30am Parish Eucharist (or at home if you can’t go online), Ash for Ash Wednesday, Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday and sharing the Holy Fire from Easter Saturday. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help you feel a part of this community in these times. 

A Final thought

We hope that whatever you have read has inspired you and that you commit to something extra in Lent. Whatever you decide is fine – it’s your choice and you know best your needs and diaries. Of course, what is most important of all is that we are fed spiritually, and that through faith, God is at work in each one of us, making us who we are called to be. 

Special Services through Lent (online)

17th February, Ash Wednesday – 8pm Ash Wednesday Eucharist

25th March, Feast of the Annunciation – 8pm Said Eucharist

Our usual pattern of services across the Parish (Lockdown)

Sunday 9.30am – Parish Eucharist on Facebook and YouTube


Morning Prayer is said daily at 9am and you can join online either via facebook or YouTube, 

Evening Devotions: 8pm every Wednesday

Compline: 9.30pm every Thursday.