Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates

This page will be updated with new information as we learn more regarding the evolving coronavirus pandemic.

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have today issued national guidance to the Church of England about how we are to continue to pray and worship, to offer support and care especially for the vulnerable, and to continue witness to God’s kingdom in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

Suspension of public worship

All public worship – both Sunday and midweek is suspended until further notice.

Suspension of all midweek activities

All parish midweek activities are suspended until further notice.

Church opening for private prayer and reflection

St James’s Church will continue to be open for prayer on weekdays during daylight hours. We will consider opening St Paul’s Church, and Holy Trinity Church for this at particular times during the week for those who would like to come and offer prayer in their local church. Please watch this space for announcements.

Offering of worship online

The clergy team will continue to offer:

  • The Office of morning prayer daily at 9am

  • Wednesday and Thursday Eucharists at the usual time for each church

  • Sunday Eucharists at the usual times for each church

So people can join in at home, and extend this offering of praise, worship and intercession, these services will be live streamed at the usual times via the Facebook accounts for each church, and available to play on demand from Facebook.

Pastoral support

Plans to offer support to those we know to be vulnerable to the virus, and less able to shop or collect medication are under way. The clergy team and other volunteers will begin offering telephone support today.

If you know someone you think would appreciate a call, needs food supplies or medication delivering, please call a member of the clergy team, or the parish administrator.

If you would like to be added to the list yourself, please call a member of the clergy team, or the parish administrator.

Clergy team situation

All three members of clergy are at present in good health.

Revd Guy and Fr Tim are following advice to minimise contact with others, and practice social distancing, but will have some freedom of movement. Due to a family member having cough, Revd Andy will be working from home for the next fourteen days.

New way of being church

Our Archbishops emphasise that the Church of England continues to be a church with a distinctive vocation to serve the whole population. There will be a change in emphasis from attendance at Sunday worship to daily offering of daily prayer, and of service of one another, and the evolution of new ways to make this effective under the very different conditions we face at present.

Revd Guy Edwards (Rector of Bushey), Fr Tim Vickers (Associate Rector), Revd Andy Burgess (Parish Curate)

Contact information

Revd Guy.png

Revd Guy Edwards


0208 950 1546

Revd Andy.png

Revd Andy Burgess

Assistant Curate

07539 409959


A prayer about the Coronavirus outbreak

Keep us, good Lord, 
under the shadow of your mercy 
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may rejoice in your comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love 
in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Prayer taken from Church of England website